Oleander extract and Carbon 60
Hiya Trapper -
What everybody knows? I bet that everybody does not know that
Oleander extract is extremely effective against cancer, as well as an awesome cancer preventive, and that not only does it not have the side effects associated with chemo, when it is used in conjunction with chemo it eliminates or greatly lessens all side effects associated with chemo.
BTW, I have been doing some research on "Carbon 60". It appears to have some antioxidant benefits and may well help retard aging. However, I have found no
Science whatsoever that indicates that it actually reverses aging, which is how it is hyped.
I know two people very close to me who have been taking it for a few months now. So far, I have not seen them outside frolicking like young colts.
Now, get those undies out of a wad - that can be very uncomfortable!
: )