Re: Adrenal fatigue
That's interesting. I had every one of your symptoms, and more.
Cortisol, pregnenolone, aldosterone (sodium, etc regulation), progesterone (a woman's monthly cycle) are made in the adrenal cortex.
Adrenaline and similar substances are made in the adrenal medulla.
So you may need some support for both of them.
There could be an underlying cause or major contributing factor in your symptoms. One of the *symptoms* of the more fundamental cause may be adrenal fatigue.
In my case heavy metal toxicity was the major factor, especially lead. It is a long story that I'll share if needed. Thankfully that is almost entirely behind me.
In my case I definitely benefit from some support for adrenal cortex, especially pregnenolone. However, I also take some whole adrenal extract and a list of things to support the production of adrenaline and other catecholamine neurotransmitters (Cats).
Low levels of Cats or other Cat related issues are associated with attention deficiet disorder. In my case I mostly had the inattentive type. My hyperactivity was due to trying to self medicate the ADD with sugar, caffeine, sweets containing phenols. I was sensitive to phenols that, like the Cats, need sulfation in the liver to break them down.
Strangely, I was fortunate to learn about phenols in an autism support group. (I don't have an ASD diagnosis! I was there for other reasons.) I had been looking for that list of offending foods for more than a decade. You never know where you will pick up an important lead.
My "blood
Sugar issues" was like reactive hypoglycemia. The story of my unusual but normal glucose tolerance test is for another day. However, if your mood and brain fog are worse if you have not eaten in a few hours, you might try some glutamine, maybe with a whey powder smoothie. I actually mix the two powders (flavored whey) and just put a 1/4 tsp, sometimes less, under my tongue. I know to carry healthy snacks like a trail mix containing various nuts, seeds, raisins, craisns, etc.
Magnesium, glutamine, adrenal cortex support and the mineral lithium are quite nice for my intense moments.
Also some people need more zinc. Zn will help to convert pregnenolone towards cortisol, etc. Zn helps to balance copper levels. Copper is involved in production of noradrenaline--a neurotransmitter association with motivation and intensity.
I'm not claiming to know what you need to do, but I hope I've encouraged you to continue to look for leads.