20 y
Re: Day 8 - Thinking about what to do next!
Hey goils the liver flushes are always a real good idea after the MC. Give yourselves a week or 2 and introduce fats gradually back into the system to get some bile production up before doing the LF. Of course as I'm sure you already know you're gonna hafta do a lifestyle change and change your old eating habits and for that you gonna hafta do lots of reading but mostly LOTS of experimenting!! till you find whats right for each of you. Focus and press on continue on with the other cleanses get a regular exercise routine going on and keep drinking lots of water daily.
I tell ya after my first 40 dayers 3 years ago I went on a mission and was totally focused and went on a pristine diet and was going to the gym 3 to 5 days a weeks. Well last fall I started a new business and really got stressed out and started backsliding into my old nemesis flour and sugar and more fish and poultry, not horribly mind you but I my eating habits became very irregular and not as focused. I also slacked off on the gym thing and put a coupla lbs back on and just started to get run down both physically and emotionally. Well I just ain't having that noooosireeee!! ;=O. So I dove right into another 40 dayer to reset the system again.
During this hyper focused period I did another 28 and 21 day MCs and over 20 + LFs, parasite cleanses, colon cleanses DA WOIKS!. Now after a 6 month +/- backslide and my 40 dayers I decided to do another LF 2 days ago. I stopped passing and more stones after around 16/18 LFs so the others after were every 3 or 4 months for maintenance.
Weeeeil let me tell ya I just had a big wake up call is this last LF I just did. I thought well 6 months of backsliding can't be that bad. WRONG!! I am horrified at the amount of stuff I passed on this last LFs. The good news is Yippee Kiyey that I got them green som'bitches out and I am again gonna do a series of LFs to get anything else out. The other piece of good news it that this time around all the stones were bright green and not like the initial batch that included so really dark stuff and some white and red junk too. It is my understanding the the bright green stuff is freshly formed so pretty much all that stuff I just passed has all built up in a 6 month period.
Soooo once again I am renewed and ready to tow the line and kick some health butt........YEOWSA!!