I am currently on a water fast, it is my first long fast and I am on day 6. I’m feeling pretty good, no pain, and only a bit of dizziness when I get up too quick but that is pretty normal for me, and some insomnia for a couple nights, but I’ve been checking my blood pressure too and it is at it’s norm. I really want to keep going until I feel like I have made a great deal of progress detox wise, etc, I would be willing to go for up to 21 days. The problem is that I am in the Army Reserve and in a week and a half I have to take a PT test which means I will need to run two miles and do a bunch of pushups and situps. I’m not sure if it will be okay to continue my fast and go ahead and take The test or do you think I should break this weekend so that I am prepared for the test? I have taken an hour long walk every couple days and went to a trampoline place and jumped for and hour this weekend. I felt pretty okay, I just had to stop sometimes to bring my heart rate down. And the walks have been fine. Please give me some advise, and I will also judge of how I feel the next few days.