Thank you my friend and yes I agree as of right now I'm really grasping at straws here trying to figure out the cause. Something I noticed today I did eat and drink quite a lot because it was my birthday. Everything was raw except for a piece of nice salmon I had for my birthday since I've been trying to be strict with me regiment and weirdly enough my hives did subside during the day. I took a nap and am now up and haven't eaten and they have returned. I am going to continue raw food until my liver cleanse in 3 days and see what the results are. I must add that during my fast I did not use enemas since I couldn't find the bags anywhere but I recently purchased one 2 days ago and I did a series of 3 the first day and yesterday with distilled water and alot came out that made my toilet almost all black. Most disturbing thing I've ever witnessed come out of me I couldn't even tell what it was because the bowl was black but I felt a lot of solid out. This was before I ate my large meal and the hives are still around tonight. This is an experiment for us all I guess lol