I would like to update this for anyone who is curious because I too hate when post are left un-updated. I continued my healthy Diet for a weeek and the hives vanished. I did my first liver cleanse 2 days ago. I followed Dr.Huldas protocol. I must say that was one of the worst nights of my life. I awoke at 2am feeling like death had come upon me with a cold sweat nausea like crazy a headache and a over all body "bad high" feeling. I fought the nAusea and horrible feeling off with all my might. Sometime later it must have subsided through my deep breAthing and I dozed off. In the morning I awoke took one es dose and when I didn't have a bm I took an enema and low behold the stones came Flushing out. I had about 10 bm that day all with stones the lAst few with less and less stones. I estimate between 150-300 stones I did not count and from the size of a nerds candy to about a nickle or quarter. It has been 2 days and my back Acne may be getting better but I'm still watching it I will update later. My digestion feels good and I do feel good. I am going to refuel for a couple more dAys then dive into another Water Fast for a week. If someone could tell me possibly why I felt so sick I am curious to know. Thank you!