Re: I'll add it to my list : )
Surprisingly, Japan has extremely low rates of cancers. This is because they are
Iodine sufficient, and consume a lot of foods that naturally contain iodine. In addition, their farms use seaweed as fertilizer which restores
Iodine to the soil, and is picked up by crops.
Dr. Brownstein has cured THOUSANDS of cancer patients, and has a long waiting list of cancer patients. He uses 300mg of
Iodine daily with co-supplements to cure cancers. Google "Cancer Iodine" to get far more information. I cured a woman of terminal cancer in my home town using only 50mg iodine with co-supplements.Her doctors had her in home hospice with 3 months to live.She had nothing to lose by trying iodine.
More details & Dr. Reports & the required co-supplements using iodine to cure cancers:
Skin cancers are easily cured with iodine. Precisely wet the cancer with
Lugols 5% 2 x a day. Over the course of a week or so, a scab will form over the cancerous skin. continue placing a drop over the scab. In about 2 months, the scab begins itching & falls off leaving fresh perfect new skin. NO SCARRING! There is no pigmentation yet on this fresh new skin, but over time when exposed to sunlight, it will match the surrounding skin color.
Google "Skin Cancers Iodine" for much more.