Day two group. Had a rough go of it last night.
I had a bit of a hard time, unlike the last fast. First, I was itching like mad last night. I also woke up sick to my stomach. I guess I have more toxins this time around than last, which I find hard to believe since I just had a baby in March and I was pretty clean during the pregnancy.
It's wonderful, however, how the lemondade just completely quells the stomach monster. I had six glasses yesterday, too little I suppose. Also, I hadn't used the restroom in a few days (happens often when I'm really clogged with toxins) and I was finally able to go this morning. I feel better now. I drank the Smooth Move tea yesterday and nothing, no bathroom, which told me how bad off I am this time. I recall that tea working really fast last time. I've got to pick up my benotite clay today, I used that last time and I think it really helped. I'm also taking psyllium {sp?).
How was everyone else's night? I hope everyone felt better than I did.