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Southern Belle Views: 1,439
Published: 8 y

thank you, webmaster

This has been on my heart for a few days now and I feel the need to say a BIG THANK YOU to our webmaster. When I began my road toward better health 17 years ago, I was looking for a way to get rid of my gallstones. I had just had my ruptured appendix removed and I was one sick girl. The surgeon told me I needed my gallbladder removed, but he didn't have time to do that because he was going snow skiing. With that kind of bedside manner, I knew he wasn't going to touch my gallbladder. So, I was on the internet looking for a way to remove gallstones. My inner voice (always listen to it) kept telling my that if you could pass a kidney stone, there had to be a way to pass a gallstone. That was the day I found Curezone and the famous liver flush. I immediately did that (plus so many more over the years) and as I read more, I learned how much I did not know. I began to feel ashamed of my country (US) because I realized we take better care of our cars than we do our bodies. I learned about parasites (Thank you, Dr. Clark) and how easy it is to get rid of them. I was like a sponge reading Dr. Richard Schulze . I learned about the importance of iodine, tinctures, fresh herbs, etc.

The health posts are so amazing and as I learned, I began to realize that I (even me!) could actually share the bits and pieces that I had learned and I could help people. At one point, I made copies of the Liver Flush recipe and posted them in the town I lived in at that time. I am sure my family thought (and probably still thinks) I am a nut, but I don't care. I remember asking Bob (a moderator and good friend) if we could just cancel our health insurance. In my mind, we would be so healthy we wouldn't need it anymore. Well, I still have my health insurance, but haven't used it in 17 years. I am now on Medicare (yes, I am old) and still don't plan on using it. But, if I have to, it is there. Sometimes, you need medicine. I learned that back in 2005 when my husband had Legionnaire's Disease. Had he not taken this antibiotic, he would not be here today. (Webmaster explained this to me) I have learned there is a time and place for doctors, a time a place for hospitals. But, God gave us a mind to think and we have an inner voice that will tell us what we need.

Our Webmaster spends countless hours working on this website. Over the years, he had been threatened more than once and people are constantly mad at him. He has the best attitude of anyone I have ever known. I believe people cross your paths in life ALWAYS for a reason and even though we are thousands of miles apart, I consider this Webmaster a true friend and I don't take that lightly.

Thank you, webmaster, for all you do and for all the lives you have saved by this website. May God bless you in your life. You have given so much.



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