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What is this magic "Ionic Transport System"?
Dquixote1217 Views: 5,104
Published: 8 y
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What is this magic "Ionic Transport System"?

What exactly is an "Ionic Transport Systme" and how does it magically transport silver ions directly to places where they are needed as opposed to Colloidal Silver particles "floating around in the bloodstream"? I can find no proof of such a system as relates to ionic silver produced by a silver generator.

My friend Steve Barwick has increasingly written about the benefits of ionic silver over Colloidal Silver . Do you think that might have anything to do with the fact that he sells ionic silver generators? He makes a very good one, to be sure, but I and many others totally disagree that ionic silver is superior to Colloidal Silver when taken internally.

If ionic silver is superior, that begs the question of why the MIT graduate and former NASA scientist who owns Purest Colloids spent all those hundreds of thousands of dollars in his production and testing equipment when he could have just spent a few thousand of so on a commercial ionic generation setup and then hyped the product the way ionic silver makers ? Or why the owner of Utopia-Silver , who has decades of experience in high voltage electical generators, spent hundreds of thousands on his equipment?

I also wonder why I have pretty much never heard anyone say that ionic silver worked better than those two companies' products but have heard many people relate that the true colloidal silver products worked better than both home-made ionic silver and the most highly touted commercial ionic silver products?

Not saying that ionic silver does not work or to not buy it or make it yourself, but I am saying that in my experience it DOES NOT work better than colloidal silver internally.

And btw, from what I can tell the ACS product appears to be a lot of hype disguising the fact that they add things to their solution to help suspend their ions - never a good idea, imo.


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