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Re: losing hope
Ogum-Mege Views: 358
Published: 8 y
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Re: losing hope


Look, i don't know what do you have and exactly what you are going through.

But as someone who deals with strong chronic fatigue, severe anxiety, seasons of low mood/depression, braig fog, muscle weakness, antipsychotics medication side-effects and spiritual emptiness i feel to say to you, we are NEVER alone and the hope is true, there always a cure, healing and solution for ANYTHING.

I feel like that, even going through all my suffering and having many "complaining" days of lack of strength and mostly fear (panic and insecurity) i had many success and changes that were powerfull.

Like is about changes, but in deeper reality, always for the best. Every illness are actually a message from your body calling for healing, physical (when there is parasites,infections,toxins) or emotional/spiritual/trauma.

Be open, if you don't find anyone in person to support you, be open, thrive, there's always a light in the end, and a place of peace to reach.

Look, this is a suggestion, i'm not religious or a person who want to force someone to believe in my way of seeing, but this can help you with your suffering and mental setting with what your are going through physically, take a look on Eckhart Tolle's books, youtube videos, this is powerfull, is not religious, is about self knowledge, peace, joy and self discovery, him and others beings like him changed my life for real, and i'm at a spiritual process of reaching my long desired peace of mind beyond any phyisical condition, situation or sickness.

Try if you can to find a Naturopath, Homeopath, Orthomolecular or Chinese doctors to support you, they are the only ones that know how to deal with the body and mind really, in the real, natural, best way.

Reike sessions can heal and cure many things or give at least a boost and relief that severed conditions require.

Much love, peace.


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