losing hope
Hey everyone, I’m feeling hopeless.
Here are my symptoms; itchy red rash on center of chest jawbone and around eyes, dull aches in top of chest cavity, wheezing, feeling pain in esophagus, blood blisters in mouth, white ‘tracks’ inside my cheeks, tight jaw muscles, blurry vision, white lights ‘swimming’ by in the corners of my eye, ridiculous anxiety, mood swings, headaches, insomnia, stabbing pains above my bellybutton, blood
Sugar crashes, inability to exercise like i used to, fatigue, constipation, nausea, etc.
After embarking on the Dr Natura ccleanse I felt AMAZING on the second day. On the 6th day I pooped what looked to be worms of all different sizes. I freaked and went to a doctor.
I had a stool panel at the hospital and it was negative.
My mom thinks i’m imagining having parasites- but I just know something isn’t right with me.
I took 2 days off from the Dr Natura program and feel movement and muscle twitches all over my body again, and a tsunami of symptoms returned.
I am miserable.
It’s frustrating having to have such a strict diet.
I have medicaid.
How can I get better?
Can someone please help me?
I feel like i’m losing my mind.
I just don’t know what the next right thing to do is.