I am new to this site. Are you still undergoing your fast? I am very interested in doing an extended water fast. I have been fasting daily for a few months, with the longest fast completed being 96 hours. I find that there is a very large psychological component in fasting. I have researched the Science behind fasting extensively and believe that it is definitely the way to safely enhance overall health. When I fast I do drink plain black coffee in the mornings, and the occasional iced or hot tea, with no flavorings or calories. I am a dedicated coffee drinker and have no intention of stopping. And from the research I have done there is no indication of a reason not to drink coffee. I am very interested to hear more about your experience with prolonged fasting. The world record water only fast is approximately 382 days with not ill health effects to the patient. Your body will continue to use stored body fat until you are approximately 3% body fat.