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My first long fast...

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First Long Fast Views: 1,206
Published: 8 y

My first long fast...

In less than two hours, I will have completed 78 days of my water fast. I have taken some electrolyte supplements, starting on the fourth week, but not every day. I found that they upset my stomach. But, I usually take them every second or third day. I have had some flavored carbonated water occasionally (like Perrier). Lately, I have drank some Vitamin water (zero calories as well) every couple of days. Unfortunately, I did not take any "before pictures" immediately prior to beginning the water fast, but I have lost a lot of weight. I was 315 pounds in the third week of July of this year. I did a number of intermittent fasts (from 18 to 40 hours) and lost 15 pounds. On the morning of August 14, 2017, I was exactly 300 pounds when I began this water fast. Now, 78 days later, I weigh 217 pounds. I am a 5' 11", 51 year old male. I have lost 98 pounds since the third week of July and 83 pounds since starting this Water Fast on August 14th. I am not sure how much longer I will continue the fast, but I can honestly say that I do not feel overwhelmingly hungry. However, sometimes I feel that my energy levels are quite limited. I think that this is to be expected as I do not have any readily accessible glucose or glycogen stores to meet any significant demands for energy. Other than these obvious and understandable limitations, I feel very well.

Previously, I had never fasted longer than about 4 days. I did quite a lot of research and reading before making the conscious decision to start this fast. When I started this process, I did not set a goal to fast for such an extended period. I was hoping to complete three weeks, as long as I felt well. However, as each week came and went, I did not have any strong feelings of deprivation or starvation. My research informed me that the strongest sign that the fast should be discontinued is the onset of ravenous hunger. Up to this point, I have not had that feeling at all. I prepare nearly all the meals for my wife and daughter, and we sometimes go out of dinner together, yet I do not feel strongly deprived or tempted to indulge myself. However, there are some instances in which the smell of the food is so exquisite that it is incredible.

I am sure there are likely to be a number of people who think that I am off my rocker for fasting for this length of time. A few short months ago, I almost certainly would have agreed with them. If someone had told me that I could or would go this long without consuming any calories, I probably would have laughed at them. In spite of that, I feel like this is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Two and one half months ago, I was technically morbidly obese and I could hardly move around. Periodically, I had severe swelling in my feet, ankles, legs and knees. My efforts toward increasing my activity levels would get derailed by these issues. I had emergency open heart surgery in late 2013 for a hereditary heart defect of which I was completely unaware. After scarcely surviving the surgery, I learned that the same condition had caused the early deaths of my grandfather and uncle. The majority of my weight gain was attributable to my heart condition, that was causing my aorta to progressively wash out and expand over many years, eventually causing an aneurysm. I could not understand why I was getting progressively weaker and my energy levels were plummeting.

As soon as my weight falls below 215, my BMI will be below 30, putting me in the "Overweight" category. I will have completely skipped the stage 2 (Severely obese) and stage 1 (Obese) categories. I am taking it day by day, but if I am still feeling OK, not preoccupied by the sensation of hunger, I am considering fasting until I fall just below 200 pounds. However, I am flexible, adaptable, and willing to break my fast at any time if I feel that my physical condition is deteriorating.

I appreciate the insights, questions, even criticisms that anyone would like to share. I appreciate all the information and knowledge that I can glean from the experience and expertise of those who read this message board. I am most concerned about the best way to break a long fast. There seems to be a great deal of conflicting information floating around in cyberspace in regard to this issue.

Thanks, Warren


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