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Re: Triclabendazole 8 Cycles Results

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

purplepixie Views: 3,627
Published: 8 y
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Re: Triclabendazole 8 Cycles Results

Thanks for the info Novelclean - it's really useful to know that persistent treatment is key to eradicating the beasties! it's so heartening to know that rounds of hitting them DOES and CAN work at clearing the burden.

How often do you think you would do a 'maintenance program' after getting rid of the initial burden?

I did a parasite herbal cleanse a while ago and that revealed tomato skins aswell as other strange looking things - but i got a lot of detox symptoms which meant i had to halt the program.
I was very weak back then to be doing any intensive cleansing to be honest.
I'm stronger now and want to go after the flukes.

Also i happen to have a fluke issue with my horses, and this country is known as sheep/cattle country where they all have fluke issues so my horses are going to be getting fluke wormers.

There is much ignorance regarding parasites in the veterinary world too - so there isn't an 'official' liver fluke wormer for horses as it's (erroneously) believed that they don't suffer with them, despite evidence from owners using fluke treatments and finally obtaining good condition of their horses in the UK and Ireland.
Wild deer, fox, badgers here have flukes aswell as farmed cattle - the horses graze these lands and so equally are at risk.

My liver function for years has always been dire. I've done cleanses and take targeted nutrition for liver health but i only get benefits which are far from expected.

Despite my first herbal parasite cleanse being quite disasterous as i had to quit it halfway through, i did end up with more energy afterwards.

I'm now only just realising that if there is a parasite burden (burden being the key word here - i believe we can 'feel' healthy and vibrant with small parasite loads just like other mammals) The burden eventually will take down optimal organ function and disrupt the entire body functions. It does take years from infestation to manifestation of a whole body chronic health condition but it happens a lot more than realised, and possibly is one of the main reasons why many people with chronic illnesses don't get gains on protocols that just target nutrition.

We have to fist accept that this is a parasitical world - everything here eats something else to survive!
Including inside us!

I'm ditching all protocols and targeting parasites with herbs, drugs AND zapping.
I'm stronger now so should be handle the detox better.

Medical literature of confirmed cases of parasites treat them aggressively with chemicals and statistically there is a cessation of the burden.
I don't agree with using just one drug. I think having an arsenal of 'ammunition' against the beasties is the only way to knock them out.

Resistance is an ever growing concern in the farming industry of which im all too familiar and so if we use that knowledge on ourselves it would be wise to hit the parasites with high dose treatments that we circulate through rounds of treatment, like you describe.

Let the battle commence!!


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