Re: Enema where to start
[I have been away dealing with an enormous amount of computer problems, lots of failed hard drives, flash drives and other PC problems.]
I do need to correct what I said in my previous post.
The infections in the stomach can affect any other area of the digestive system and not just the colon because when microorganisms compromise a surface in the stomach it also has a knock on effect in connected areas further on in the digestive system. This causes increased permeability in those connected areas. All areas of the digestive system are connected via the vagus nerve. The area which is often affected is the transverse colon, most often the right transverse colon. None of this is yet understood by
Science and medicine.
To clarify the info about candida, yes in that case it is almost certain to be gram negative bacteria because yeast such as candida are compatible with gram negative bacteria. However there are many different types of bacteria which can colonise the stomach both gram negative and gram positive bacteria. Helicobacter pylori is only one, the runt of the litter IMO because the other bacteria cannot be destroyed by any pharmceutical
Antibiotics . H. pylori is believed to be present in 56% of people and I believe that seeing it is only one species of bacteria and that there are many other bacteria which work in very similar ways then I estimate an infection rate of over 70%. I see evidence of this all the time.