Hi, If u find that method too much for your organs. There is another method. I am doing it and it works. It's called changing the terrain of your bodies chemistry so that parasites wont be comfortable in your body. Its not a quick fix. It is a process. U build up the body with minerals. U remove all blood and starch from your diet. (This is their food supply.) Start getting comfortable with intermittent fastings. When ur ready and u have time off from work, do 10 days straight. ( i did 29 day water fast.) It will reset your body. Then u continue with intermittent fasting and drinking ferments ie Kombucha. And take minerals....They began to leave ur body like nobody's business....Check Dr. Cassar on YouTube... Chk out Dr. Sebi's food list...dont get discouraged i have fallen off the diet a few times. U just keep fighting..Again it is a life changing process. I hope i helped someone today. This is what has worked for me.