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How does one know if their liver, Kidneys can handle such strong meds and die off symptoms??
Wonofakind Views: 1,310
Published: 8 y

How does one know if their liver, Kidneys can handle such strong meds and die off symptoms??

Hello again, I am wondering and stressing badly, about the reaction and side effects of doing ICU's Tapeworm protocol, on someone who has a large, or multiple tape's.?? Or multiple infections/parasites.
I know that the meds alone can be very hard on ones body, espically the LIVER.( Kidneys, ect) then add the multiple TOXINS from the dieing parasite(s), (espically the possibility of a multiple foot long tapeworm) how does one know / can tell that maybe your body can't take it? Then what is one to do? Take a lower dose? And of Wich med? And then for how much longer?
If anyone has any experience with this please lete know your experience's . As I am planning on starting ICU's Tapeworm protocol TODAY!!
Thank you all for your posts and advice!


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