Re: Exfoliative Cheilitis - My 6 month journey from 'EWWWWW' to 'Ehhhh'
I believe thousands of EC sufferers have tried "leave it alone method" with aquaphor, thanks to the videos published by Daniel.
On this list:
I remember reading just one positive story, except the Daniels.
If thousands tried it, and just 2 of them post a success story here, your odds of curing EC with this method are pretty poor or almost close to zero. You would have to be very lucky!
In the same time I have read hundreds of stories by those who tried it an it did nothing for them. Do not get me wrong. You should not be touching or picking your lips.
Picking your lips is how people develop new allergies, by allowing food, cosmetics, aquaphor, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, pollen, dust, cat dander, dog dander, etc. to get in contact with open sores.
And, allergies are probably the main way how people develop EC.
SO, "leave it alone" is good. It prevents new allergies, and gives a chance of maybe healing the old ones.
But on itself, odds of curing anything with "leave it alone" seem very poor.
Instead, eliminate all potential triggers, and try to heal your gut, while avoiding to pick your lips.