Re: callous theory
Hello, I don't know if this is still relevant or not, but I found this thread while trying to find solutions for my own lip callous issue.
I have tried EVERYTHING! Literally. Crushed aspirin, apple cider vinegar, lemon, shaving it, it got to the point where I was just ready to cut a hole in my lip! It's frustrating. Trust me, I've had this problem for over 2 years and it only comes back bigger and thicker.
HOWEVER, I found a SOLUTION! It will vary from person to person so this method is not for everyone:
Kavi Salicylic Acid 8 - 0.5fl. It's about $20 + tax. Honestly the salicylic acid is the only substance strong enough to break up the hard exterior of the callous. There are higher p.h levels - for example, you can purchase Kavi Salicylic Acid15 which I have read works very well for some people. I started at a low level since the lips are sensitive. I also diluted it with a little bit of water, once again because the lips can damage easily.
I put 1 - 2 drops on the callous and left it on overnight. THE RESULTS WERE AMAZING! The first layer of the callous was ready to be peeled off! I haven't seen my lips look this good is years!