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Re: Parasite Cleanse Done.. What Next?
soniam Views: 1,269
Published: 8 y
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Re: Parasite Cleanse Done.. What Next?

I live in Toronto, surprisingly. Shipping to Canada is just too expensive and our dollar is down which isn't helping, but I'll definitely look into local health shops near by. I didn't think they would have cleanses initially but it's worth a shot.

Also, thank you for the link to a list of things that helped you have successful liver flushes! And also thank you for all of the advice about the liver flushes. Funny thing is, when I started taking milk thistle pills daily I felt nauseous after ingesting them for ONE WEEK! I was so confused but now it's all making sense. I just assumed at the time that I must have a lot of junk inside of me.

And I really appreciate the enema advice! I'm looking into buying one now. I was really interested in it but so nervous but what you're saying is reassuring especially knowing you were once on the same boat as me.

I will definitely keep you posted! :)


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