Wow! Thank you so much for all of this Justin!
I've been eating a pretty
healthy Diet for the last 3 years, so that hasn't been a huge concern for me. Also, for the last three years I've had a smoothie for breakfast 90% of the time (can this substitute the juicing?) My smoothie normally consists of spinach, 1 apple, cinnamon and water only.
I'll definitely look into P&B shakes - I've read a lot of good things about them along with diatomaceous earth. I was thinking of ordering but not just yet until I settle with all these cleanses and get a feel for what's working and what's not. See, I live in Canada and to ship 2
parasite cleanses, 1
kidney cleanse (forgot to mention I just completed this with no changes in my issues or symptoms), 1 liver cleanse from Dr Clark's website cost nearly $500.
Throughout my
parasite cleanse, I ate a very strict diet along with pumpkin seeds and papaya also :)
I haven't looked into a zapper and tbh I really don't understand what that is. Also, I'm very nervous to do an enema, I'm scared I'll put too much water into myself and mess up something. I don't know if that's a common issue or where I read that but that's my one concern.
I decided (before your reply) that I'll just move ahead with the liver flushes, so I start my first one in two weeks, right now I'm prepping by drinking the
Liver Flush tea. And I'll continue with the flushes until I get all my stones out. I did have high cholesterol a few years ago before I started eating healthy so I hope to see a lot! After I finish several cycles of the flush, I'm looking into the
parasite cleanses again if my symptoms have not improved. Why I am also concerned about solving issues with my liver is:
1. my aunt had a liver transplant
2. my dad was an alcoholic and I handle liquor VERY poorly. I can get a hangover off a couple of shots. I've been like this since 18 (my prime drinking years) which has prevented me from drinking often (maybe once a month to once every 4 months).
3. I have been taking milk thistle for 4 months now and my
Acne has slowed down by 90%. I stopped getting random bumps, now if I get
Acne I usually know the cause (new face scrub, etc). Surprising!
4. I saw a naturopath a couple of years ago and she told me I have a very weak liver.
So I really don't mind doing parasite cleanses or
Liver Flushes because I feel like both liver issues and
parasites are causing my issues. I really do hope my eye bags will reduce because they have become super prominent in the last year and I feel uncomfortable without concealer :( It's hard to go through this because I like to feel as natural and comfortable as possible and makeup is not something I want to feel like I HAVE to wear daily.
Also, I was thinking about Humaworm, just one concern I have again is pricing, as it costs $95 us dollars to ship here which is probably $120+ Canadian for one Humaworm! I'm weary about spending an arm and leg for products not easily accessible to us up North! If you have any solutions to this issue please let me know!
I really appreciate all of the help. :)