Re: Help! Does my baby stool have parasites? If so, what are they??
Please please never do FMT!!! God knows what
parasites others harbour who donate samples. Then with the transplant it will be planted in you or your baby on top of what you already have. There is currently no reliable lab tests that would scan for
parasites 100%. You don't want that risk on top of what you already have. Look, the body is an amazing biodome and it can restore itself but you need to give it what it needs. Even if your baby has
parasites you can focus on his/her immune system first so you can do a
parasite protocol when the body is stronger and baby is older. Immune system means: strong digestive juices, good bacterial health in GI, getting enough nutrients, organs working well. Babies inherit the digestive health of the mother upon birth and during pregnancy. Mizmac has lots of great info and I would rather look for a natural baby specialist or lactationist to help with immune system rather than giving baby herbs or drugs for parasites. You should focus on the same, and build your immune system through a bulletproof diet (100%organic, and well balanced), detox and immune support. A weak body is not in a state to successfully remove parasites.
I also suggest you read through where you find lots of useful info on small kids.