Listen to your own body
Every person have different experience with the
Liver Flushing .
There are those who are 90% better within just 1-3 flushes, and they are so excited, that they are very likely to leave a message on internet, promoting a flush as an overnight miracle.
And yes, it can be an overnight miracle for a few people.
But for the majority, it is more like something you do several times a year, to make sure your liver works better.
Try to listen to your body.
If the flush improves your digestion, or anything else, keep doing it often.
If it has no effect on your health .... keep doing just one every few months.
I am doing it now just a few flushes per year. Started almost 20 years ago ....
Now, I do not feel anything much better after flushes ..
But, during the last 20 years my digestion and my health improved a lot, especially during the first 2-3 years of flushing.