I have been wondering how many flushes I should do before I see an improvement in my health. The enemas before and after the flush take a lot of time, and on flush day I am very drained for the first half of the day, just resting. I wonder if all this time and effort is going to help at all, now that I've done 13 of them over a year or so.
Some people get results in a flush or two, while there are those who have been flushing for 100 flushes or so. How does one really know if this is helping? Any indicators, or a compass of some kind?
When I have done long fasts I have known intuitively that the rest I am giving my body is burning the toxicity and rejuvenating the body. With the flush I am not able to get such an intuitive feeling. At the most, it feels good to take 4 or 5 enemas every fortnight.