Re: anyone have any suggestions??
It is caused from an infection But where is the infection?
How to find a hidden dental infection hit the sauna the real one not the infrared one. The heat will draw out the dental infection, in a few days you will know if that is the cause.
because the doctor is speculating , guessing and what if he is wrong and he was in your case. Sometime they are out to make money . I had sinus surgery and I showed another surgeon the xray before the surgery and guess what he said . Your case DID NOT warrant sinus surgery . In other words you and your insurance company just got taken sucker !
When your down and desperate you start doing illogical things having an elective surgery out of desperation . is not the key here. I realize it is in some cases. I worked in clinic and I have seen them make so many mistakes
Gargle with food grade hydrogen peroxide 3 PERCENT ONLY mixed with water, and then at night do
Sea Salt gargles.
Do a major
parasite cleanse, and coffee enemas, stop all gluten dairy and
Sugar meat, and coffee for at least three months Get
colonics and see if what they see . If you can get hydrogen peroxide IVs are amazing at detox and energizing the body
A friend had that really had bad breath, and some bloating going on.
Finally found a good doctor after years had SIBO breath test and it was positive for methane and hydrogen and there is also a SIFO fungal overgrowth .. I would just treat both. Also take tons of probiotics maybe the wrong gut flora has taken over for some reason. I would check out a SIBO doctor and get serious plan to attack it on all fronts and get on the SIBO Diet