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This is a problem!!? :)
Somer Views: 641
Published: 20 y
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This is a problem!!? :)

I just finished ten days that were super easy, and at the end I am ten pounds ligher, and have that clean, clear, EMPTY, light feeling I so dearly love. It used to take me quite a long period fasting to get where I was the whole time this go.

This seems to be an indicator you are very clean! Although I have also done fasts that were super easy to start, with a big crisis at day 18! The body takes things in order, and there are surprises in every fast, if only that there are no surprises!

I assure you, if you do ten days you will feel... good! If nothing else. Is that bad?

I myself feel INVINCIBLE! I cannot believe the energy! And working out during this thing was a joy.

I NEVER weigh myself til I am done. You get into weird head trips over weight lost or not lost. Let the body do its work! Rest assured it is cleansing, detoxing and healing, and you are giving it a much needed rest from the constant chore of digestion in order to do this.



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