I'm on my first MC, and i've made it to day 4 with absolutely no problems - and this is causing me problems!! i've been drinking about 2 liters of the lemonade a day, doing the herbal lax tea at night, the swf in the morning, and a cup of organic peppermint tea in the afternoon just for kicks, along with about 5 liters of water a day... i've always been a water drinker so this is nothing new.
throughout all of this, i have had ZERO hunger, ZERO cramps, virtually nothing on my tongue... i've passed nothing but liquid (daily, directly after swf) since the morning of day one, nothing even close to solid, mucous or the like. i don't have a scale, but i don't feel as though i've lost any weight - though i definitely have at least 15 lbs i could stand to lose!
i'm determined to stick this out for the full 10 days (but no longer, i can't be fasting over the 4th!), it's not hard, i feel great, i'm working out as much as ever. i've spent two of my first 3 nights out with friends while they eat and drink - not a bother, i have my water and my tea when i come home.
my issue is that it seems too easy, it seems like nothing is happening. i don't want this to be a waste! any advice? or is this normal? thanks guys...