Re: 55 y/o male water-fasting first-timer with questions
Welcome to the forum and the world of healing your body and mind in natural ways.
First, fasting is not be used for weight loss. If you want to change what foods you eat is the most important. You have multiple things you need to work on, so it is important that you have a good plan. All in all you have a good plan, except for a few of them.
Here is what I think you will benefit from.
First do a kidney cleanse,
Dr. Schulze has a good formula. Second, do a colon cleanse, third do a liver flush. Once you have done a few
Liver Flushes then you can fast for as long as you can, 28 days is a good goal.
While you are doing all the cleanses, you need to be on raw plant based organic fruits and vegetables. I would stay away from sugary fruits. Berries are good. You should not eat any processed, sugary, man made foods. If you wish you can drink freshly squeezed juices. This way your body will get good micro nutrients and get you off the meds.
When you fast, no meds, no supplements, no appetite suppressants, these will kill you, taking partial foods like supplements will harm your body. Your body is capable of manufacturing what it needs from all fat, junk, and scar tissues. All animals know how to fast when they are sick or when there is scarcity of foods, except for two legged animal.
You will be able to work easily for first week to ten days, but after that it will be hard. During a fast you need to rest, stay warm and drink filtered or distilled water as per thirst.
There are not any cases who died because of fast, they die because of enervating practices or they were dying anyway. If you have fear to fast, don't, work on your fears, gain the knowledge you need to fast and then fast.
You won't come to this point, but if you throw up three days in a row or have very hard chest pains, I would quit the fast.
Post fast you should stay on same diet, raw organic fruits and vegetables.
Please post here about what you decide to do.
You have chosen a right path, but it will take some work. It took you 40-45 years to be this way, it will take you a long time clean your body and mind. BUT YOU CAN DO IT.
God wishes.