Re: Fasting for weight loss, help!
Losing weight via fasting isn't as clear cut as - you are 220, you want to be 180, fast till you get to 180 and you're done. That seems to be not how it would work.
I got to 141 or so fleetingly, I spent a fair bit of time @ 148, now I am around 162 or so after I have been eating a few days.
So to maintain 180, you may have to get under that by as much as 10% and stay @ that weight for a while.
I actually also suspect I may drift back up slowly even past the 160's cos I keep fasting and staying in that range.
I think I have to get to 7-8% body fat (maybe in the 135 range for me) and stay there a while to get all my hormone balance to reset to that point. From there I would slowly drift back to 150 and that would give me sustainable weight loss.
Anyway I have posted on that topic many times. You can look for my posts about it.
What you ear after fasting and losing weight is vital, and good leafy veggies should be the core, that part is well known. I prefer to be wild and raw in addition.