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Re: First Fast - Day 8, Insight Appreciated
heartofahippy Views: 399
Published: 8 y
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Re: First Fast - Day 8, Insight Appreciated

Hi there! Congratulations on making 8 days on a water fast. That is hard work so kudos to you. I am on Day 11 of my juice feast (fast). I do not believe it is real true hunger that you are experiencing, more than likely it is probably just cravings. You said you loved junk food, so your body is craving the salty, sugary, fatty fried garbage you used to enjoy so much. It's really more of a mental game than anything else. You kind of just have to take control and say to your body "Look! This is what we are going to do to get healthy and I am not eating any of that stuff I used to eat so stop asking for it" Its willpower and mind over matter. I am on day 11 and although I am not physically hungry, I crave things. Like today for example my boss was eating a slice of pizza (and I am a pizza lover) and when I saw it, my mouth watered and my stomach growled a little and my senses all said "Yummmmm pizza! We want!" But I know that's just a craving and not real hunger. Hope this helps!

Hang in there! You are doing great!!


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