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First Fast - Day 8, Insight Appreciated
ItsMulti Views: 389
Published: 8 y

First Fast - Day 8, Insight Appreciated

Hello everybody, I've been around this forum for the past couple of weeks looking at a lot of different threads and learning about Water Fasting for myself as I have now started one. About 5 days before my Water Fast I also cut out soda and began eating healthier up until my water fast, slowly decreasing my consumption of calories to prepare for feeling the hunger. I am 19, 5"9' and started at 265lb, now 250ish (weighed before I peed this morning so not accurate). I'm currently on Day 8 of my Water Fast and am sort of disappointed. Here's why, I am still very hungry! I am no longer experiencing the hunger pangs but the past couple of days I had felt like my hunger was diminishing slowly so I was excited to finally get that breath of fresh air where I don't feel the hunger anymore but today when I woke up my hunger had gotten stronger. This fast has been very challenging so far as I've always loved food (junk food :/), so for me to be on Day 8 and still facing this hunger it's disappointing, espicially as I see so many people saying that their hunger disappears after Day 3. I do understand those people though are usually on a plant based diet or something similar in health. I also understand that I have eaten very unhealthy for most of my life and that this will obviously be harder for me then others but I still wonder, when will it stop. When will the hunger go away. The reason I'm making this post is because I'm searching for reassurance and some insight. I see that a lot of the people on this forum are very nice and knowledgeable in Water Fasting. I'm going to stay active within this thread so if you have any questions for me, shoot away. Thanks!

(Also I know it is not recommended to Water Fast for losing weight but I am being very cautious and have pursued medical supervision during this fast)


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