Funny as I was doing some digging on the whole enema thing I just got back on diotomaceous earth I'm thinking of trying a parasite cleanse just the WormwoodBlack-Walnut clove recipe see if it goes anywhere ..this dry scalp Body Odor bad mouth has been a problem since I was early teens i just use mouth wash more shower wash up more wash hair more but its not attacking the source u know but I think alot was high Sugar and dental of course going to mexico to remove my amalgram hopefully this month I'm sure if I had money more of it a stool test would show a lot but for now
Gonna try diotomaceous earth
Grapefruit seed and rotate to olive leaf
Then give a break and supplement with probotics
For a long time
Remove mercury filling
Or wat order should the parasite herbs come in I should be doing that now huh with the d.e maybe try olive leaf another time not sure if its to much
I'm sure parasites bad bacteria imbalance and dental mess is a huge percentage on curezone