Re: Unidentified parasite. Lab tests came back with no detections
Sorry but the images were compressed. If you leave them to be opened in large view it would be easier to analyze.
What is the round object? A coin? A button?
The strings could very well be mucus, but this type of mucus indicates a problem (in my own opinion). Need to see the thing up close. Most worms have a distinct "cuticle" which is identifiable, and closer scrutiny will indicate organs, and digested material esp. round worms.
It will help to give us more background.
What were the initial symptoms that made you seek out medical advise? Did you have a previous illness or have a known medical condition?
Have you been exposed to wild animals, or are you in close contact with animals?
Have you had food poisoning?
Have you travelled recently to any exotic locals? Have you been away from your normal surroundings lately?
Have you been swimming (describe)?
Have you been around people who are sick?
Have you been exposed to any unusual circumstances at your place of work?
Have experienced change in appetite? Sleeping patterns? Energy levels?
Have you been grinding your teeth? Jaw?
Do you have any types of rash or itching on your body?
Any changes to your diet?
The more information like this you can provide, the easier we can narrow things down and suggest a possible solution.