Im being destroyed by a Phantom Menace
Hello All,
Just wondering if anyone has experienced
parasites migrating from organ to organ. I have had innumerable tests and all come out negative. I have to stick with what I know. About 6 months ago, I began to have abdominal pain (LLQ). It has since progressed through various stages. It went from LLQ pressure, to gas and constipation, to belching and UCQ/URQ pain (Upper center quad/ Upper right quad), then I began to have blurry vision in my left eye, then to having audible squirting noises from both sides of biliary (liver/gall/panc.), I now am having acute blood
Sugar drops and a burning sensation in upper center and. I have to monitor blood
Sugar every day. For reference I've had ;(bloodwork) 4 CBC's, 2 Meta panels, a Hep Panel, Liver panel, Renal panel, (stool) parasitology (1), comprehensive stool analysis w parasitology (3), (Procedures) obstruction series, small bowel series, CT scan w bar and io contrast, 2 ABD x rays, hydrogen breath test, colonoscopy, endoscopy, cystoscopy, DRE, (urine) 3 complex urinalysis...whew,, Im very persistent, all of these have turned up nothing conclusive or indicative of a disease or ailment. My blood
Sugar at home is a rollercoaster but when i had bloodwork, a perfect 121...go fig. Its got to be parasites. has anyone had sop many negative results for anything !? The doctors think I'm crazy now, but i used to be up every day at 530 am and run around until 7 or 8 pm and finally go to bed by 10-11pm now I'm all but bedridden. is there any test anyone can suggest ? I have an appointment with Kev Cahill on Monday, and am awaiting results of an immunoglobulin panel. Any insight would be so much appreciated.