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Dream Diagnosis of Parasites
SomebodyElsesTable Views: 845
Published: 8 y

Dream Diagnosis of Parasites

I have been looking into Traditional Indian Medicine for the treatment of parasites. Dr. Vasant Lad, one of the best Ayurvedic doctors, says in his "Textbook of Ayurveda" that dreams might symbolically reveal the nature of the disease or point to affected organs.

For example, dreaming of a lake on fire might suggest urinary bladder inflammaton, he says.

I would like to use the same logic to observe whether our dreams can point to parasites. I myself had three such dreams. In my experience, apart from diagnosis, dreams can be also used to obtain the knowledge of remedies. Look at #3.

#1 I was raped in a dream.
#2 Somebody was knocking at my locked door, trying to come in. I did not want to let the intruder in, but the person came in nonetheless. It was my wife's friend. She said she had parasites. I said to her that I know how to cook meals that do not aggravate parasites so she can rest assured.
#3 Somebody was knocking forcibly at the same door. This time the door actually had a lock (it did not have it the previous time). I took a bottle of spicy chilli-vinegar sauce and sprayed it into the intruder through the small opening in the door. This might suggest that I should try the cayenne pepper-vinegar combination for the parasites.

If you suspect you have parasites, please post in this thread any interesting dreams. If you don't remember your dreams, here are some things you can do:
~Wake up in the middle of the night, when the memory is more vivid.
~Before sleeping, affirm in your head you will remember your dreams.
~Whenever you remember your dreams, write them down, or record them. Then review them.



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