Re: saltwater flush doesn't work on me no matter what kind of natural sea salt i use
Hi, I am new to these boards and on day 5 of the MC. I'm having problems of my own, as I just posted, but I can respond to your question. According to Stanley's book you are only supposed to use grade B pure maple syrup, organic if you really want to get fussy. I think because it has gone through less processing. Good luck on studying for your exams! I've only water fasted before too and this is WAY easier!!
To respond to the post about the S/W flushes not working...I used both iodized
Sea Salt from the grocery store (cheap) and non-iodized from Trader Joe's and both started working immediatly. I'm talking, immediatly. Though, nothing solid I must say. (If you have the stomach for this diet you can handle this subject matter I guess! I can't believe I'm discussing such matters!) ANyway, the only difference I noticed is that the iodized ss water was cloudy and tasted saltier, and the non-iodized ss water was clear. Both tasted gross and I could only get down 3 1/2 C.'s. I'm using Smooth Move tea with annaise, and haven't had any cramping...have you tried that brand? Hope this helps!