I have not tried the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) although I was going to and I have Sea Salt for it. But, I did a Liver Flush (using Epsom Salts and olive oil & lemon) to start my Master-Cleanse fast with. I don't know if that's in his book but I've read it's good to start with and it's on this site. I cannot stand the side effects of laxatives (I've personally never used one without getting the bad side effects). The Liver Flush WILL WORK. Psyllium husk is good for the colon and is fibrous. I plan to take that while on the Master-Cleanse fast for 10 days. I was scared of the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) and thanks for posting because now I know I wonn't try it. Why would I want to drink that much salt water if it does nothing? I can go to the beach and do the same thing. This is day 2 of my 10 day Master-Cleanse fast. I have never gone 10 days and need support. I've done a 7 day Water Fast before but I am studying for the bar and need my energy so I chose the MC diet instead. Tell me, it is okay to use Grade A maple syrup, right? I can't find any other here.