So, I started fenben 6 days ago. First couple days I felt okay. Then 2 days ago the pressure, pain and movement in my chest got really bad. I felt like I couldn't get enough oxygen no matter how deeply I breathed. I couldn't lie down, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't function. I considered going to the ER. It was really horrible. Is this die-off? Was this the 5 day hatch I've heard about? I've read about people clearing strongyloids but then dying from ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) that follows due to the dead worms left behind. I think I was experiencing this to some degree.
So I didn't take the fenben last night. I'm not 100% today, but better. I can breathe at least. But, now I'm afraid to take the fenben again. And I'm afraid if I don't take it, the parasites will come back stronger. I really need advice as to what to do next. Help!