Argh. No, I did not take albendazole before starting fenben. I took ivermectin per icu for a month accompanied by herbs/alternatives. Frankly, I was afraid of the side effects of albendazole. The iv helped my chest pain/pressure a lot so I thought I could move on. Then it came back 10 times worse with the fenben.
This was my first time taking fenben. I only got doxy in the mail last night. Should I start taking it right away?
Clearly, I'm confused about the right order of things. I find so much contradictory info here on curezone and very little clarity any where else. And this is all really new to me. And I feel so horrible and am desperate for some relief so I'm clearly grasping and screwing things up.
Any help to set me straight is appreciated. Any links to protocols that have proven safe over time, please include. TIA.