Mate iv told you iv done it all.. had 3 private lab stool tests the expansive ones.. iv told you results came back with slight dysbiosis.. which probably a third of the world has so its no biggie the issue with stool test is your gut bacteria is constantly changing depending on your intake of different variety of foods. iv had my hormones cortisol levels thyroid all that checked and its all normal.
I will say this for the last time the only thing ever found was i had high elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines in my biopsy.
Now i recently had standard blood tests and something actually showed which high elevated levels of Eosinophilia which unless i am in early stages of leukaemia is most likely due to me having the genes for atopic diseases aka allergies/eczema/dermatits/asthma . This further makes me see the connection of ec and a form of dermatitis/eczema.
I don't want to continue talking about tests and all that back and forth on this thread. if your interested in talking about that please start another thread or pm.