I can add that I take 2 droppers full of SSKI (2 squeezes) during the winter months for my chronic lung problems. This is probably close to 800mg a day.
Prior to WWII, doctors prescribed up to 1.8 grams of SSKI for chronic lung problems. Trapper has also taken mega doses of his SSKI . Many thanks to Trapper for his high quality of SSKI. He got me started on it years ago.... a miracle for my lungs, 2nd only to Colloidal Silver mist which I discovered last year. Surprisingly, Trapper is also an expert on Colloidal Silver and used to be a major contributor to the Colloidal Silver forum!
So bottom line, don't be fearful of overdosing on SSKI. Our body takes what it needs and the rest goes out in urine.