Re: Date (year) iodine was removed from bread and replaced with bromate?
Greetings and I am glad to find info such as we have here. My research led me to find much deeper meanings behind the
Iodine replacement by bromate in breads. What I read was each slice of bread we ate, had the equal amount of what the govt says to a daily need. Why the downplay and why so much back before the 1960's even? We needed it for the radiation that was in the Airwaves from our attack on Japan. Apple pie, with cinnamon{this herb is one of the only herbs that have
Iodine in it} apples pull radiation from our bodies. So does Dark Chocolate, which we would send over to our military, while they sat on the Island of Japan... I knew years and ears ago of the change of the bread... so started to make my own from scratch... that got to much to do... so I actually thinned it out and started making pancakes instead, with the cinnamon in it.
With the underground earthquake of Japan, which rocked everything possible loose, we now are dealing with radiation downwind from them, to this day, as it keeps circling Planet Earth.
Back when Russia had her meltdown, Canadians were hit, and a lot of persons developed thyroid cancer.
Do not pay to much attention to what is being reported, as they change it constantly to keep us all unawares as to what is going on right in front of us. Such are the smokescreens... nothing new under the Sun. Take good care out there.