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Re: Good results with Neem
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Re: Good results with Neem

I prefer using the forums (I think it's important that future folk searching info on probs like yours can get the answers too)

>> How do u get rid of internal environment the virus lives in u mean by taking colloidal ole and oregano oil
>> What's the original poster u refer to

Original Poster is talking about the person who started this forum thread, in this case, Peggyaus who writes about passing parasites when using the herb neem, as the coldpressed oil from neem seeds.

When I talk about the environment the virus lives in, I am talking about the gooey ropeworms that people poop out when parasite cleansing. Those ropeworms are not worms, but digestive mats which have the name 'biofilm' in science.

You'll also find the term 'terrain' in these forums. The terrain is talk like from tactics in war, if you have to carry out a battle, you want a good map of the field in which you will fight, to know if there are mountains, caves, forests, swamp, etc.

*A change of diet changes the terrain of your body,
*A change of heart affects the terrain, like clearing away bad weather (this is the sort of thing like choosing to stop sin for a christian, and investing time in meditation and scripture to get to know the Father)
*A cleanse from heavy metals (of which there are many methods) pulls landmines from the soil.
*A herbal tool routes out the enemy (in this case, neem)
*A clay/activated charcoal drink/capsules is like cleaning up after the battle (these keep away the toxins when parasites die)

Health is a cycle of those five on a daily, seasonal, monthly basis. parasites act like reservoirs of infection, yes.
Spiritual cleanup is just as vital there. Patterns of life can be just as parasitic.

Taking oregano oil and Colloidal Silver fit under the herbal tool category, both are extremely good weapons. Watch out for dieoff symptoms (emotional distress, shifts in personality towards anger, distress or grumpiness) and have activated charcoal available for yourself if you try those weapons. Dieoff results are always dependant upon how much of the weapon you ingest.


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