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Re: HELP! Are my parasite cleanse die off reactions normal?
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Re: HELP! Are my parasite cleanse die off reactions normal?

Is there pain from the bloating, or is it body tissues retaining water?

If there's gas pains in the intestines, use hydrated Bentonite clay and psyllium husk (resistant fiber) shakes (P&B shakes),
Alternatively, activated charcoal capsules (4-6capsules 3-4 times a day)
Both of those remedies lock up the trash so it's not providing food to the bacteria that produce gases in trying to protect themselves in your gut while you're cleansing

It's always twofold with parasite cleanses. I take it the Lunaferon is an antifungal?

Mucous overproduction is the liver shifting trash out of the liver/bloodstream in heavy waves, it means the butyric-acid producing bacteria in your gut are doing well, but obviously, it's really uncomfortable to eliminate all that snot. I've found neem teas, sometimes I use transdermal essential oil on the skin like pine needle or lavender behind the ears, it dries out the flow a good bit.

If your soft tissues (fat and lymph) between the skin and muscles are the bits boating, then what you do is buy Epsom Salts , cheap Sea Salt and baking soda (look at the ingredients list on it!! Only sodium(sometimes called natrium) bicarbonate, and blend those three ( Epsom Salts 2 parts, Sea Salt s 3 parts, sodium bicarb 1 part) and Pitt it in a hot bath to soak in for at least 30 minutes. This helps normalize electrolytes and pulls some of the trash out of the lymph so the liver doesn't shove it to your nose.
If you don't have a bathtub, do disposals in the same mix, you'll still get results.

For anything you can't specifically find, like Sea Salt , buy the simplest alternatives like dishwasher salt. If you can't find Epsom Salts at the chemists/pharmacy, just use the sea salt.

Salt water flushing can dump the trash out quick if you can't get to the pharmacy and get activated charcoal capsules, but it takes guys and a day/night at home. It's 2tblsp salt to 1 liter of water drunk over 30 minutes, with a chaser of 1/2 to 1 liter of water. It induces dihorrea.

It is not pleasant, but it gets the job done. It will not stop the bloating from continuing from the cleansing course you are on though, the P&B / AC can. AC as powder is cheaper to buy, for mixing in water to drink.

TL;DR: the diet you are on is rich in fiber and encourages about production. The parasite cleansing gives the body lots of reason to produce about. Here's some ways to eliminate the symptoms so you can continue your cleanse.

Watch dr. Robert Morse on YouTube about the lymph to calm the panic and understand what's happening, you'll get your sense of control back.


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