There is one more thing I have seen changing (like literally a change) in a positive way: it's the caruncula part of the eye, I had these green like scars on it (I didn't find anything on it on the internet), and some white spots which were very hard to notice. The thing is, in my left eye, the caruncula seems to be reduced a bit in size and the scars/lesions (I don't how to call them) are definitely less, I checked it weekly and my eyes are also a lot less dry then they used to be. I always rubbed my eyes (because they were always soo dry) and in the morning they always sticked together. This has all become less and it's close to being completely free (dunno if I will reach that though, would be nice). But here is the catch, which of the supplements is causing this, it might aswell be the magnesium (since I was deficient in that as well).
Again in the end, there is one thing I hate: it's this spacey feeling/pressure like feeling behind the eyes (sometimes pain). It was worse when I had the flu/cold like 3 weeks ago and the week after I was flu/cold free.