first week lips peeled 5th day into
first week lips peeled 5th day into the soak, I was OK with it, the diseased skin wants to come off anyway, that is why your lips are continiously exfoliating they are trying to throw off the sick skin. The next small section of peel was day 9 into the soak dead skin from centre of my bottom lip peeled off. I was OK with that, because it was dry and dead and it did me a favour cosmetically by peeling off I didn't want to go around with a dry split skin hanging off the centre of my bottom lip.
My build up was miniscule, I brushed them just before the soak and couple of minutes later when they were soft from the soak, sometimes skin peeled off into the soak, I didn't care.. the skin wants to come off, after day 9 the skin couldn't peel off but tiny bits of skin came away too small to be of concern or they floated off into the soak, again I didn't care because most of the skin was staying on and a tiny flake of skin meant to me that the the disease was diminishing.
Hang in there, allow any dead skin to peel off or brush it off while its soggy and put on the coconut oil, by day 9 onwards they couldn't peel like they used to. The
Epsom Salts will eventually dry out the build up and the infection as the coconut oil adds moisture.
The soak should allow you to walk around with minimum discomfort in your day to day life that is how I felt, if the lips are white soak them /brush them let them peel off (its dead skin)
put on the coconut oil, keep brushing them and go out! You will be disinfecting the yeast restoring the ph of your lips and allowing your lips to heal, build up is infection that should either be brushed off or allowed to peel off by the soak without much attention. By week 2 or 3 the area should be pinker, clearer and smoother and more healthy. How long are you soaking them? what are you soaking them in? How much of the salt you using.