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Re: How to treat Fatige With Collidal Silver?.
BrightSideOfLife Views: 3,245
Published: 9 y
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Re: How to treat Fatige With Collidal Silver?.

Adrenal fatigue which is a rubbish diagnosis as far as I am concerned is known in conventional medicine as Atypical depression. It's just that some people do not like the idea that they suffer from Depression and prefer to go with the idea that it is different which they call adrenal fatigue. If you look in the iris, both eyes at just inside 6 o clock you should see a darker area which appears grey. The further that marking goes into the iris the more the mood is affected, the adrenals are at the top of this area and rarely affected. That area indicates an adaption to stress and a large amount of people will have some marking in that area which tends to increase with age. How a person handles their emotions tends to determine how it progresses. Suppressing emotions ie fear of expressing the emotion can cause significant stress and can damage that zone ie adaption to stress.

It could also be Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome as that presents with some of the symptoms which he mentions such as feeling tired in the morning and general tiredness. Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome often present a shifted body clock where they have difficulty getting up early and their bodies only really get going late such as the afternoon or evening. Sleeping problems are also evident. More symptoms are needed to make a firmer judgement IMO. Any autoimmune symptoms such as joint pain, asthma etc? Does he feel tired after eating? Especially protein meals.

CFS I believe is caused by a bacterial infection which is protected by a biofilm. Unfortunately Colloidal Silver is largely only effective against planktonic ie free floating bacteria because biofilms can keep toxins such as CS away from where they are needed. CS is ineffective in such situations. DMSO might make it more effective by forcing CS inside the biofilm and overwhelming the biofilms ability to remove it.

On dosage, I would say the more the better as you might only get one chance to defeat it using CS. Biofilms have layers of bacteria and bacteria near the outside of the biofilm are sacrificed and then they release their DNA which other members of the biofilm community use to update their DNA to deal with the toxin. If you do not destroy them all quickly then they will develop resistance! That will make it far more difficult to defeat them. It might be worth taking some DMSO along with the CS to try and give maximum effect. I would recommend hitting it with a high dose of CS and DMSO. Enough to fill the stomach such as a large glass in total of CS/DMSO.

Also anything which can degrade the biofilm might be helpful such as interfase plus, EDTA and Serrapeptase/Nattokinase.

I think you are going to need the best of luck with this.


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