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vairagi Views: 1,215
Published: 9 y
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Hi K
Read Griz's doc page on Iodine, its all there.
Lugols is a water based Iodine (be very sure not to buy tincture of Iodine like we used for cuts and scrapes years ago, its not for oral ingestion).

Its kind of an economic question. The Lugols Solution is cheaper than the capsules by a noticeable bit. The capsules I like are called Iodine Plus, 90 caps, 12 mgs @ about 30$ or so(you can price shop them) I like them cause they also have zinc and are a bit easier to take then the higher doses of Lugols which has a certain astringent taste, not too bad when diluted but taking multiple drops can be hard for some after a month.

Theres also a style of Iodine termed Nascent which is always reported as great, but its more (tho I think it requires less of it to equal regular Lugols).

Another Iodine mixture, coined by a man with a most interesting story from the turn of the 19th century, is Atomidine. A man from India who became seriously ill (or maybe a family member I dont recall) and created it and he recovered. It was popularized by Edgar Cayce . It also not as inexpensive, but has no taste.

Since the Lugols is reletivly cheap Id say get some of that first. I use this brand a the moment (as well as the capsules).

Lugols Solution 5% USP Premium Iodine Natural Mineral Supplement 2-Ounce 2-Pack...27.50$ from Lugols Original Iodine Solution co @ Amazon

Yes the additions mentioned are a great and necessary idea. mainly its a detox thing tho as Mallow shares on B6 that sounds good too, certainly cant hurt (tho high doses of selenium or B6 are bad). If you experience any pain, there are salt water treatments info in the literature.

Its certainly remarkable for the reports from the people who have had fibroid cysts disappear after trying so many things wout success.

You can start slow ( a drop(usually 3 to 6mgs depending on the %) 3x a day till reaching whatever dose you want to aim for total a day) or the caps if you can afford them.

Keep reading about the higher doses that certain specific Iodine Mds advise. Tennant advises that Iodine is a must addition but that 12mgs a day is good. But his overall protocol is different than just relying on Iodine anyway as Ive mentioned.

Ah what to do about the worry hmmm that's another forum



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