Just ask K, I'm surprised all the Iodiner locals aren't helping anyway.
I shared only a part of the Amazon link because CZ doesn't let commercial ventures display a link (wout a contract) : Just type in the http://www.Amazon
in front of this:
and paste it into the URL window and youll get one choice for purchase.
You can take one drop the first day, to start slow, adding a drop each day. You will need to buy selenium and take 200 mcg a day. B6 might be good choice as Mallow advises. Have a healthy salt available so you can mix a half teaspoon in a glass of water to drink if you experience any pains, head ache, or body.
At one drop a day , then two ect you might stop for a while at 12 drops a day to see how your overall system is responding. If you experience detoxing like skin blemishes or rash or aches it isn't the Iodine doing it it is your cells functioning better.
You may add any supplements that you read about as you see and feel the need. Its not as necessary if we are going slow. But still good for us if we choose supplements w some investigation, like Lyposomal Vit C
http://www.livonlabs.com/ If I were you Id be dosing this at the rate I could afford.
Since you've fasted a bit you know that your body is pretty clean. Its like the people who wake up groggy or with congestion or any of the other signs that imply weve been eating unhealthy. They are the ones who really need to take strong doses of the free radical scavengers like Selenium and C ect ect cause they are congested to begin with to a degree that is already evident without helping their cells be more efficient by taking the Iodine. So the supplements will help reduce and hopefull avoid any discomfort
Iodine will chelate. It is a role player in a cells processing expression of fluids(waste), and in a fluid expressing organs output in a very similar way. And third w re to it's antipathogenic abilities acting at the exterior of a cells membrane. Ions of Iodine are also accentuated in mucous membranes and there, its antipathogenic abilities and actions function and this is commonly called the Iodine Shield. If we are low on Iodine our ability to quickly fight off invading environmental factors is lessened greatly.
Ions of Iodine, will cause counterfeit molecules to be freed and processed into elimination pathways, causing differing amounts of noticed detox reactions.
So a cyst or mass, if it is sufficiently exposed to blood flow, and our, local to the mass's environment as well as our overall Lymphatic systems, viability is appropriate, may be autolyzed by the lymphatic systems actions, by either fasting because of freed up energy resources, or by systems revitalization using supplementation.
Selenium is one of the many. An important element in our systems functioning that we all need all the time. It plays a role in successful detoxing, by the normal systems wide antioxidation processing (the disarming of harmful substances in our fluids and cells).
Like the post to Galaxony mentioning the flow chart of all the substances in our system and their positive(and negative) interactions, it's complex, sophisticated and involves many parts.
There are a lot of supplements that play a required role, or can assist that efficient, quick processing.(lyposomal or lypospherical Vit C is a great one too that I would always consider a necessity, tho it is so expensive I often refrain from mentioning it at first. And there no GI tract issues with high doses).
So the list of Iodine supplements comes about. And Organic Sulfur (MSM) is always a good addition no matter our need and focus.
It is a part of the constituent make up of a cell's membrane that determines it's permeability. This non elemental sulfur will, as it travels inour blood stream, hook on to certain waste or to toxins and become a sulfide, which is eleminated by the body quickly. It also play an important part in the necessary Sulfur, Cholesterol, UV cycle. Organic Sulfur is one of the most all around benficent supplements we can take.
If we are very toxic w halogens and or very congested w a sluggish system or are lacking one or more of the required nutrients, and receive a noticeable improvement on their use, then we may be convinced, that those substances should be on everyone's list. If we take the actions of any supp into account and weigh it against the common symptoms of those ingesting higher amounts of Iodine, then more often than not, a lot of them are probably a good thing for all of us to take, unless we already are processing well and have an understanding about our system that would negate that as necessary.
I was emphasizing Selenium on account of its succinct and important role as I briefly touched on (because it's a big chart and this post is already long). Its a lot like the role Sulfur (MSM) has in our system (so I added MSM to one of the posts on Iodine. So consider it as a very good verging on necessary thing to do also), so as mentioned, a very good supplement for everyone no matter their other supp regimens.
All the vitamins are needed and especially if we are low on any one or any group because of diet profile(tho symptomology isn't always going to be disrupted by supplementation on account of other negatives in our system. The flow chart and RoundUp again). And as many find as they use and investigate, we most often eliminate a higher percentage of the vitamins we ingest as supplements than we assimilate.
The items in our complex metabolic processing flow chart are numerous. The necessary items, the not so necessary, the intended and the unintended, the elementary and the fraudulent, all are part of the potentially frustrating and confusing mix.
And so part of our choice is often do we emphasize our efforts by trying to assist our sick system by isolating and supplementing certain obviously needed or super important or considered missing things. Or do we work for our systems proper functioning by eating a diet which is complete. And of course, tho unique for each situation and individual, the answer is usually both.
The list of supplements we might choose as important for us will be arranged around our present degree of healthy, or not so, processing (waking, sleeping, skin signs, regularity ect and other detox event revealing experiences will info us), any particular mental or physical concern and our economic situation.
One way to empower and simplify the choices is to start w a diet that includes complete foods as much as possible. If we are eating one or more of the foods which have all of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fats required, we will be ahead of the situation we are trying to assist by supplying any particular items missing from our bodies or diet.
After all the elements, the vitamins, chemicals ect ect. After all the toxicity of processed foods. The toxicity of our processed social and extrasocial life styles. After we think about all those, the one thing that is now being uncovered as to it's importance and appearing to play a role far vaster and elemental than most if not all of the previously mentioned items is our body systems Voltage.